Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

They finally got out of the pool about 5 hours later to eat... I had to pull the "mom card" to even get them to eat a hot dog.

Hanna playing with Hannah in the creek. Hannah was much more experienced and thought she needed to hold Hanna's hand the whole time....hehe

Kate always takes such great pictures! This is Kate coming to see if I wanted watermelon but she seemed to eat it on the way over so I guess I was out of luck..... got to love my little Kate.

Hey girls... stand next to each other so I can take a picture of the both of ya! Oh, come on MOM!

Kate hated that she had to wear the life vest, "I'm a big girl... ya know"! She only wore it for about 20 mins and then started putting those swimming classes I paid for to work... Go Kate

Hanna banana taking on the CROC and Hanna won!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Snow, Snow go away, come back another day!

What seems to be the snow capital of the world..... we have snow on May 9th, Mother's Day!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2010 Baseball Season

Hanna started her Baseball Season a few weeks ago and Kate will start her's on Monday, May 10th.

Hanna had her FIRST game today. She got walked twice and scored one point for her team. Not much action out in the field to report but she stayed ready the whole time, just in case.

Yes, that's the ball far outside. No matter what, Hanna never takes her eyes off the pitcher:)

The wind was so bad today that at one point I looked up and saw Hanna running in the outfield when she was suppose to be on second base. The poor girl was attempting to catch her helmet as it flew out to center field.

Kate goes NOWHERE without running into a good friend of hers. They both did a great job cheering on Hanna despite the strong wind and spitting rain.