Saturday, May 23, 2009

Life lesson

This afternoon the girls were playing outside while I cleaned their rooms. Apparently, Hanna caught a frog in the grass and she decided that "Mr. Rascal" could be Kate's pet. Her rational behide this gift was that I have Bella (the dog), she has Buddy (the cat) so Kate can have "Mr. Rascal" (the frog) has her animal to care for. Every few minutes they would enter the house asking if I wanted to see Mr. Rascal and like a team player I said.... "NO, and don't bring that THING in the house". Well, like always they didn't listen and Kate comes in with this frog clinched in her left hand. Now I am not a fan of frogs but I did feel bad for the little guy. So, I convinced Kate that the frog probably did not like being in her hand while she ran round the yard squeezing the life out of him but would rather be in a bowl with a little fresh water to sit in. She took my suggestion perfectly fine but the part that she did not care for was letting him go and return to his family. Kate and I sat on the front steps talking about how much she loved her new best friend and that she was going to take care of him by catching bugs so he could eat and bathing him every night so he would not stink up the house. When I suggested (again) that maybe she should let him return to his family the melt down began!!!! How dare I suggest that she let her new friend go, the only reason I would do such a thing was because "I did not like Mr. Rascal".....which always turns into not liking her!!! After about 15 minutes on the front steps I convinced her the frog (some where a long the way the frog turned into a female and was given a new name) would be better off in the woods behind the house. As Kate walks "Ms. Frog" to her new home, she's crying so hard she can't see where she's walking, so Hanna steps in to comfort her little sister and I'm walking slowly behind them because now I'm considered the "wicked witch of the West". Kate lets the frog go in the woods by a stream of water that runs behind the house. She says her final goodbyes, turns around and gives me the ugliest look and says "thanks a lot mom"... Now, it could just be me but I don't think she got the "lesson" I was aiming for!!!!

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